Marie Kelly Hair & Makeup 2020

Marie Kelly Hair & Makeup 2020

2020 The Story So Far…


It’s been a looong time since I’ve done a blog,…a year (*shudders) I know shameful. I really was SO so busy last year and just didn’t get into the routine, but anyway, here I am now!

So LOTS to recap! 😀 

The end of 2019 there was a proposal…mine! On Christmas Day! It honestly seems like a lifetime ago now! I was in complete shock, ecstatic, excited, everything under the sun really! But it was such a perfect day. The other half did it next to the Christmas tree while we were opening presents, which was lovely as he knows how much I love our Christmas’s!

We were then in our own little bubble that day celebrating with my parents and promised a bunch of people we would organise a little engagement party and have a meal with all the family, although when that would be we hadn’t figured out yet as we were both so busy with work, meetings, venue meets, birthdays and a bunch of other stuff.

White Wed Directory Awards

Then came the whisper of a virus called Corona virus not long after in a part of China. I registered it, I thought it was something that had the potential to get out of control (carried on being as busy as ever) then BANG! It’s here.

In between that time I also won 2 awards in February! Both of which I was totally taken aback by and so so thrilled! 

I found out I was nominated in the Whitewed Directory Awards for Start Up Business Of The Year and Most Inspirational Business Person of The Year, and on the 3rd Feb I found out I had WON Start Up Business of the Year at a glitzy awards ceremony held at the Doubletree By Hilton Hotel in Swindon!

Global Excellence Awards

It was only a couple of weeks later I was also notified that I had won Best Bridal Hair & Makeup Artist in the UK in the Global Excellence Awards presented by Luxe Life Magazine! I couldn’t believe how fortunate I was to have won both accolades and to be honest was pretty proud I had won not 1 but 2 as I had worked SO hard in getting the new business up & running the previous year!

I was also being published regularly in the local press, national magazines & we made it onto a couple of international wedding blogs too! 

Everything was falling into place in such a lovely way (a way I’m not usually used to!) I’m used to up hill struggles and lots of hard work and hurdles so to all of a sudden have everything fall into place was amazing! (If not a little unnerving! :D) …

Then there was CORONA VIRUS

By the end of Feb beginning of March it escalated, and now all I can really remember is we’re just here. In lockdown, social distancing, isolating. 

Well what a test this is for my beautiful business.

I can’t tell you how many guidelines and statements I’ve had to write during the ever-changing circumstances! But they are there for a good reason.

We are currently following all of the government’s advice with social distancing, and so this will be our 4th week of not going out onto any jobs. However we are still very much trading and working closely with all of our brides on their weddings to make sure we ride this storm together and make it as smooth a process for everyone as possible. And so far, everyone has been GREAT. I’m so lucky to have such lovely clients.

We are advising all of our brides that have had to change their wedding due to Covid-19 to POSTPONE DON’T CANCEL. All the wedding suppliers I know are also working so hard to make sure they can offer the same service to everyone just on a different date and that is also what we have been advising as we’ve been on your wedding journey together and we want to fulfill the role in helping you to have the most special wedding day possible!

Press pause, not stop. The show can absolutely go on, and here at MK Hair & Makeup we have a range of options we can offer so that we can help you along the way. So as mentioned just changing your original date to another date we can give you a list of dates we can and can’t do so you’re prepared when speaking to your venue. If I myself or one of my artists can’t make your new date we have a fantastic pro team who’s availability I can check so that you can still have a fabulous professional artist on the day.

If all else fails and none of the team are available then we also do in depth hair & makeup lessons which we are now offering virtually via Zoom, meaning you can learn in depth techniques, the best products, how we would use them as well as some tips to help keep you stress free on the day. I am also part of some professional hair & makeup groups & unions which means I can also find out what other fab artist’s are available.

Moving Forwards

All bookings we have taken so far are in our diaries and going nowhere so unless told otherwise if you are a bride that has booked with us then we are your hair and or makeup artist. Do let us know as soon as possible if you have ANY changes to your wedding so we can work with you to adapt or make any changes needed.

I think I will do a few posts/blogs of any tips for during this time, but make sure you follow all of our social media pages; Facebook, Instagram…for the latest news, updates and info, and if there is anything you want to find out you can always email me at: or call 07771906117.

The main thing in all of this is to take stock of what you have, be grateful and thankful everyday for what you have, keep loved ones safe, be kind always and keep talking.

We’re all in this together and I KNOW we can get through it together and come out the other side stronger than before! So make sure you keep on supporting your local businesses and services that keep everything ticking over ?

Wishing you Love & Health always,

Marie xxx